Rob day 15

My first son sleeps noisily on my chest tonight. His soft auburn hair sticks out in every direction and his gentle breath encourages peace.

I forgot about this stage. I read about it from other moms but every blog post in the world — or even prior experience — fails to prepare you for the sweet joy of holding your newborn baby in your arms while they sleep peacefully.

His little feet move in slumber like he already knows how to run. While he nurses his hands trace my ribcage as if he’s curious about this familiar landscape once a part of his enclosure and now a separate entity entirely.

I pray over him as he eats and sleeps — over the child, teenager, man he will be. Prayers that he will love Jesus. That he will be kind and brave in the face of those who aren’t. That he will find joy in the small things. That he will prioritize the people he loves and in turn be prioritized by them.

In these quiet moments, I kiss his perfect soft face and am more than grateful. He is healthy and these are rare days. To hold this darling child while he is new is a sacred gift I will never discount. I am filled with amazement at this child and the role I am granted in his life. Solo Deo Gloria.



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